Thursday 20 August 2009

Wow, time's flying.

Can't believe it's nearly a week since the last update but time flies, not always when you're having fun!
Our younger son went back to school this week and is sitting doing a homework report for tomorrow, I know everyone's desperate to establish routines but homework given in the first week is a new one on me and I'm a teacher but he's not moaning too much, bless!
I've had a good week on my diet and the exercise at the gym was fab so things are going along nicely there.
Had to go over to Mum's today to sort out her phone, there was a fault in the line but she never thought of phoning BT from her mobile one, just me lol!
Hubby's had a good week in the north sea messing around on his survey ship but e-mails and skype are a far cry from trident subs when he used to disappear for months with no contact except a few words each week the had to be checked by the sensors, not the easiest things to write!
I've been thinking a lot about the house move and trying to organise a trip up to Inverness to see a few houses when OH comes home so I'd better get off here and find somewhere to stay!

1 comment:

  1. Best Wishes with your house search in Inverness. Thank Goodness for Skype and email.
